Mizuno Yu'uki (played by Matsushita Nao) is a former police officer who now works as a "researcher" (private investigator?) for publishing firms. She has enough problems of her own... Her mother has dementia and sometimes does not recognize her own daughters. She lives with and is taken care by her Yu'uki's older sister. The older sister is tired from taking care of her mother and feels sour about Yu'uki.
Yu'uki is going through divorce. Her ex wants Yu'uki to take him back again, but Yu'uki just wants to go ahead with the divorce.
One day Yu'uki is given a case:
Old unpublished sketches (manga) were found among original manga sketches of a famous manga artist. The artist is dead, and his wife wants to know if those sketches were drawn by her late husband.
The unpublished manga is about an manga artist who is a murderer. He kidnaps young women and watches them die so that he can draw the scenes in his manga.
Not knowing much about manga making, Yu'uki asks Daigo Shinji (played by Furuta Arata) to help her investigate the case. A freelance manga artist who knows a lot about the manga world. He is eccentric.
By looking at the 50-page sketches, Daigo believes those were not drawn by the dead manga artist. Since the styles of drawing is very close to the dead artist, probably they were drawn by one of the artist's assistant. Daigo also believes that the sketches were drawn around 1985.
Yu'uki investigates the case further and finds out about young girls' missing cases in Itabashi, Tokyo in 1985. She finds one of the missing girls looks like one in the sketches, and that a park in the sketching still exist. The story in the sketch looks real.....
Daigo finds that the story does not end with those sketches. The story continues and there must be other episodes that follow.
The investigation goes on further....
It's a dark story, but interesting and intriguing. I'll definitely watch the 2nd episode.