This is a 30-minute drama series broadcasted on NHK satellite channel. It is going to have 8 episodes. The story develops rather slowly and quietly, giving us the feeling of "watching a slow movie". It's not like other 30-minute dramas full of fast and packed stories/contents.
Yoriko played by Tanaka Rena |
Yoriko moves out of her parents' house and starts to live by herself in an apartment. She starts to meet people in her apartment building and the area near the apartment within Toho 7-fun (7 minutes on foot). Through her daily interaction with those people, Yoriko is to find herself.
Tanaka Yasuo (played by Tanaka Kei): A mysterious guy who keeps sending Yoriko letters. He delivers the letters at night and puts them in Yoriko's mailbox attached to the door. The envelop is not addressed to anybody. It just has the name of the sender.
Endou Kouichi (played by Fukushi Seiji): Yoriko's ex-boyfriend. The two broke up 5 years ago, but he is still in her heart. She goes to see him at his apartment even though he does not want to see her.
O'oshima Sakie (played by Nahana): Yoriko's next door neighbor.
Nagai (played by Ishino Mako): Works in a Bento shop located on the ground floor of Yoriko's apartment.
I really like the slow and quiet atmosphere of this drama. I am curious about the mysterious letters that come to Yoriko's door/mailbox at night (probably every night). In the first episode, Yoriko does not read the letters. She puts them in a cardboard box, and the pile is growing.
I am looking forward to watching the next episode.