2014 summer j-dramas are starting. TBS (Tokyo Broadcasting Station) is into crime dramas this season. Both "Petero no Soretsu" and "Kazoku Gari" are about crimes, and how an ordinary man gets involved in the crimes.
In the 1st episode of Petero no Souretsu (Funeral Procession of Peter), the leading man (played by Koizumi Koutaro) became one of the six hostages in a bus-jack. The reason why an old man committed the bus-jack is still not clear.
Probably, how the hostages keep sucked into this crime even after the bus-jack ended, and how they come to find out the truth behind the bus-jack will be the main story-line of this series.
This drama has a long sub-header; "Evilness is transmitted: At the very moment evilness is born-----30 years after that, it became a mega crime that made the hole nation of Japan involved."
This drama is based on a story by Miyabe Miyuki, a well-known contemporary writer, and it is a part of "Monday Mystery Theater". The first episode was 2-hour long, a bit long for a j-drama series, but I didn't feel it was long. I'm looking forward to watching the 2nd episode and see how the story unfolds.